• +852 2567 1561

"We act as a bridge"

We are a charity dedicated to connecting the supply directly to the demand, by collecting safe-to-eat surplus food from F&B outlets all over the city and deliver to those in need. The benefits are twofold — while reducing hunger, we also reduce the pressure on our city’s landfills.


About us

Founded in 2001, Foodlink Foundation is a registered Hong Kong charity dedicated to fighting hunger, building self-sufficiency, and fostering nutritional wellness among those in need..


The amount of food waste arising from the commercial and industrial sectors has increased over 10 years – from less than 850 tons per day in 2007, to about 1,070 tons per day in 2019.


Food donors and partners are the lifeblood of Foodlink. They are identified according to location and the needs of the nearest recipient charity, thereby reducing transit time and ensuring freshness...

Our team

Our directors and operation teams work collaboratively and committedly toward goal of reducing food waste and "Replacing Hunger with a Smile".


Donate and support


DBS 1 : 1 Matching Fund Donation Program

Food assistance for the vulnerable has never been more vital during the 5th wave. From now till 25 March 2022, for every dollar you contribute, DBS HK will match it...

Target: $5,000.00
0 % Pledged So Far

News & activities

Foodlink Foundation 膳心連基金

2 weeks 1 day ago

通常係街買到嘅果汁軟糖都係得好少果汁成份,點都講唔上健康🤢。但作為為下一代健康著想既我哋會唔會諗下自已整💯%果汁糖呢? 早前我哋就請左迪士尼義工隊嚟到Foodlink飲食教室學整果汁軟糖送比小朋友🍬。由切生果,煮果汁到倒模成形都係佢哋一手包辦。睇佢地做到有模有樣就知個個都係廚神👨‍🍳🧑‍🍳。係試味之後義工們都非常滿意製成品,仲有幾位拎左袋拎返去比屋企小朋友食😋。 When we buy fruit gummy from the market, they are usually made of juice concentrate which contain loads of sugar, it doesn’t look like healthy at all🤢. So why don’t we make some 💯% fresh juice fruit gummy

Foodlink Foundation 膳心連基金

2 weeks 4 days ago

整蘿蔔糕話易唔易話難唔難,但要整得好材料比例好重要‼️,我地又不如試下五星級酒店嘅食譜好唔好味🤤。我地好高興請到香港麗晶酒店大廚聯同匯豐銀行義工為一班老友記舉辦廚藝工作坊。老友記都好專注聽從指示整好一份份新鮮嘅蘿蔔糕。睇吓蒸好出嚟嘅成品幾靚仔😋。係活動結束前每位老友記仲收到節日大禮包一份🎁,你睇吓佢地個個笑到見牙唔見眼就知有得食又有得拎幾開心啦。🤪 Turnip cake is a traditional festival food, but to master this dish need good ingredient rate and experience. So how about having a taste of a five-star hotel recipe🤤. We are so happy to cooperate with Regent Hotel culinary

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It's food, not waste !

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